Panther zu verkaufen
Panther Lima 2 |
Kallista 1.6,
1989 |
J72 |
Solo 2,
1992 |
(mehr unter
Service / Panther und Ersatzteile zu verkaufen / gesucht) |
Club Codes are available in the club magazine and our members area:
Club Code CCCNOV506 Panther Car Club
Please contact chairman@panthercarclub.com if you have any queries or problems using the club codes
See you there. Val
Panther Car Club Stand 2-840
The Classic Motor Show 2024 Official Show Guide:
Open the link:
Ticket Offer:
Quote CCCNOV506 when booking tickets at www.necclassicmotorshow.com to take advantage of £4 off single-day adult tickets or £2 off family, child or multi-day tickets. Discount applied to advance prices if booked before midnight on Thurs 7 Nov or show open ticket prices thereafter. Full ticket information at www.necclassicmotorshow.com/ticket-information.
Photos of 2023
50th Anniversary of Panther Cars
Robert Jankel, Car Designer and Engineer
Born London 1 January 1938 - died Weybridge,
Surrey 25 May 2005
Married 1962 to Jennifer Loss
(daughter of bandleader Joe Loss –had three sons, one daughter) |
Cars with six wheels are uncommon. The most famous is the pink Rolls-Royce owned by Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward in the 1960s television puppet show Thunderbirds. Robert Jankel went one better than these fantasy machines - he created the 1977 Panther Six actually to be driven on the road. The outrageous two-seater roadster was the showstopper of London's 1977 Motorfair, flashed across global television screens because it was said to do 200mph. |
The book written by Bruno Eismark “The Cars Built By PANTHER“
has had a second print run and is available direct from Bruno. |
Oktober 2021:
-> Member (neue Login-Daten - Bitte schaut in Magazine Nr. 232)
Youtube - Panther's 6-wheeled Car
It is the most comprehensive film on the history of Panther Westwinds.
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