Voitures Panther détachées
Panther Lima 2 |
Kallista 1.6,
1989 |
J72 |
Solo 2,
1992 |
(Plus de détails sur
Service / Voitures et Pièces détachées/ Demandes) |
Club Codes are available in the club magazine and our members area:
Club Code CCCNOV506 Panther Car Club
Please contact chairman@panthercarclub.com if you have any queries or problems using the club codes
See you there. Val
Panther Car Club Stand 2-840
The Classic Motor Show 2024 Official Show Guide:
Open the link:
Ticket Offer:
Quote CCCNOV506 when booking tickets at www.necclassicmotorshow.com to take advantage of £4 off single-day adult tickets or £2 off family, child or multi-day tickets. Discount applied to advance prices if booked before midnight on Thurs 7 Nov or show open ticket prices thereafter. Full ticket information at www.necclassicmotorshow.com/ticket-information.
Photos of 2023
50th Anniversary of Panther Cars
Robert Jankel, Car Designer and Engineer
Born London 1 January 1938 - died Weybridge,
Surrey 25 May 2005
Married 1962 to Jennifer Loss
(daughter of bandleader Joe Loss –had three sons, one daughter) |
Cars with six wheels are uncommon. The most famous is the pink Rolls-Royce owned by Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward in the 1960s television puppet show Thunderbirds. Robert Jankel went one better than these fantasy machines - he created the 1977 Panther Six actually to be driven on the road. The outrageous two-seater roadster was the showstopper of London's 1977 Motorfair, flashed across global television screens because it was said to do 200mph. |
The book written by Bruno Eismark “The Cars Built By PANTHER“
has had a second print run and is available direct from Bruno. |
Octobre 2021:
-> Members (new login data - please look at the Magazine no. 232)
Youtube - Panther's 6-wheeled Car
It is the most comprehensive film on the history of Panther Westwinds.
Revue: |
Panther owners in France
renards bleus 2016 (converti)
Bonjour à tous,
C'est fait, le compte rendu des renards bleus est terminé. Par facilité de transfert je l'ai positionné sur Youtube. Moins de photos cette année. Bonne lecture.
Bises Jean Paul
It's done, the minutes of the blue foxes is completed. For ease of transfer I positioned on Youtube. Fewer photos this year. Good reading. Kind regards Jean Paul