Expectations of the trip to Ireland were high but thanks to the tremendous input from Steve Moore and his team at South Quay Travel the whole experience was second to none. With the decision of what to do and routes to take being optional each day and all the information you could possibly want supplied in advance one couldn’t help but enjoy what was on offer. The Panthers in Ireland brochure, as can be seen on our website, was excellent and made each day’s events, routes etc easy to follow. The hotels gave us a true taste of Ireland both in the location and hospitality and Steve’s team again are to be congratulated. Special thanks also to Jan, Peter and Joos Van Straaten for sponsoring the event and supplying all the tour plaques and stickers, I mustn’t forget the ingenious method of fixing them to the bumpers - “Great Job” and much appreciated. Thank you also to the Leader of the Dutch group, our one and only “THEO”, who presented all the drivers with a “Goody bag” and on more than one occasion had us all laughing with his little antics. Taff & Nel Rosenbergen brought a little bit of the Netherlands with them by way of a book for all the UK party accompanied by an invite to Netherlands next year !!! With 18 cars in the group 11 from the UK and 7 from Holland, it was always a concern whether the reputation of Irish roads would get the better of the cars. But with only Eric’s J72 going into a garage for fuel feed problems our Panther expert Joos Van Straaten kept the rest on the road as and when necessary. Although I am sure we all experienced a few unseen dents to our undercarriage we all completed the trip and lived to tell the story and would have no worries about Panthering in Ireland again. Kay & Gary Hedditch as new members and this being their first Panther holiday have written an article which I will enjoy reading and Peter Van Straaten has kindly linked all his pictures to our website so thank you to both for all their time and effort and I hope everyone will read and look at the pictures and experience some of the wonderful scenery and times we had. I know the UK group will want me to mention everyone who travelled from Holland to join us. We all thoroughly enjoyed meeting up with our Dutch friends and for all the good times and experiences we shared can I say great to have you on board and we look forward to repeating the experience soon. Not forgetting our Irish members Dick Curry and his wife who joined us at Great Northern hotel in Bundoran and David & Bernadette OConnell who traced us to our hotel in Midleton, joined the club and travelled in convoy with us the next day to Cahir . Also Steve and Irene Moore who with time being limited flew out to meet us travelled with Ray and I in the Deville and experienced part of the trip he had put together so well. We look forward to meeting up with you all again soon. Ireland and its hospitality leave you wanting to go back and I for one will be making the journey (I got quite partial to the Guinness). For 2010 we are planning a trip to the Loire Valley taking in the French members Amboise Weekend and then touring the area. Many who went on the Irish trip have already put their names down to go and with interest from many other European members I know its going to be a popular trip. With Steve Moore already on the case the trip cannot fail to be a success. If you are interested in joining us next year for this trip please register your interest as spaces are limited. It just leaves me to say thank you to all those who supported and made the trip to Ireland. It was a pleasure to holiday with you and I look forward to meeting you all again soon. Val Bridges 07971 866829