PCC GG 2007
Photo's kindly suppied by new member Mark Yabsley
Panaramic veiw of the GG panther cars with Shugborough Hall in the background.
More photo's of the GG at Shugborough and some from the evening dinner dance with entertainer Paul Salvage.
Terry Laplain Queen of the Raffle~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~Taking a break from the hussel and bussle of the day
After dinner speach delivered by Morris~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~"Sanctuary" and a great cup of tea, thanks to Mave and Dawn
Mary and Sue taking it easy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Paul Salvage in full swing
Could this be a quorum!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A grand gathering indeed.
And pretty Kallista's all in a row~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After hours entertainment!
Best in class group~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~