Gawsworth Hall Classic Car Show
This was the first year we had done Gawsworth, near Macclesfield. We have been going there for years to their Open Air Theatre and I was tempted by an early show on May Day Bank Holidy Monday. I first phoned up in January, to see if the show was on. Rupert, the organiser then replied by email within 15 minutes to say he had booked 12 car spaces for us! Nothing like a sharp salesman! Macclesfield is on the cusp of 2 areas, 2 and 10 (Cheshire/ North Wales and Pennine) and I was fortunate to get a selection from both. In fact we had 12 cars on show which I thought was b….dy good, with Ken Cash, one of our members on another stand so you could say 13
Anyway, back to Rupert (awfully nice chap). In contrast to the regimented shows of Tatton with detailed maps and fixed admission times, this was delightfully anarchic. Rupert said, "If you turn up the day before, you can mark out a pitch for how much area you think you need." Do you know how much space to mark out for 12-14 cars? It's not easy! So I picked out a nice spot among the bluebells on a plateau. Good place to put the banner, where everyone could see, marked off by the bunting, and some sheets in plastic folders saying Panther Car Club, attached to the trees Monday Morning: Rupert had suggested one of us was there by 9.30, to ensure we didn't get gazumped, but we already had 6 when I got there. Backing on to our spot were the Morgan Club! Now my Panther notices on the trees were showing outwards, and some of our group thought it quite amusing that the Morgans were parked under Panther Car Club signs. They did try encroaching a bit but we soon put the wagons in a circle and saw them off when our Chairman came over the hill like the cavalry. Mind you we had to stop him muttering "Pesky Injuns" and making arrow noises like the Strongbow advert….("Whishhhh….Dummmm!"- or is it D-D-Doyng?) But I digress. It was a lively little show, with an Autojumble and picnics. We thought we would leave about 3ish, but then the weather intervened.
The day had been pleasant and sunny, although the forecast was for rain later. Actually later turned out to be 2.30pm. Quite a few members got practice in for the not just the Putting The Hood Up competition, but also the fastest packing away marquee, banner and bunting as well. Fortunately Alan and Alex Shaw had brought their Discovery to put the bits in. Because of the rain, everyone left at the same time which defeated the object of leave early and miss the queue! Thanks all for coming and putting on a good show