Panther Car History





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Panther Car History - Panther Kallista

Hi All,
I'm looking for more photos of all Panther Cars. Please send me your photos for our website with a little describtion (year, model, engine, specials...) So we can show the world how many nice and different panthers there are.
Thanks in advance
Geli (your webmaster)



Kallista: Aluminium body, available with 1.6 or 2.8 Ford engines (subsequently 2.8i or 2.9i engines as Ford changed designs) Approx 1437 built 1982- 1990


>>> Kallista paint colour codes


Panther cars Harlow - Start of production - 29th February 1988
Panther cars Harlow - Start of production - 29th February 1988
Bob Clare's Kallista 2.8L Bob's Kallista Interior Kallista on the Bugatti Race Circuit 2014 Bob's Kallista 2.8L Engine Bay
Kallista 2.8L Alfred's Kallista Ingo's und Silvia's Kallista Markus's Kallista
Markus's Kallista Walter's Kallista 2,9i, Baujahr 1990 Walter's Kallista 2,9i, Baujahr 1990 Walter's Kallista 2,9i, Baujahr 1990
Henk's Kallista engine bay Val's Kallista Val's Kallista Mogen's Kallista
Mogen's Kallista Gerd's Kallista aus dem Jahr 2008 beim Probefahren auf der Porsche-Teststrecke in Leipzig (Porsche-Werk). Gerd's Kallista aus dem Jahr 2008 beim Probefahren auf der Porsche-Teststrecke in Leipzig (Porsche-Werk). Jean Paul's Kallista
Jef's Kallista - before the conversion Jef's Kallista - before the conversion    
Jef's Kallista - after the conversion Jef's Kallista - after the conversion Jef's Kallista - after the conversion  

Bei Jef's Kallista handelt es sich um einen Kallista 2,8ltr. Baujahr Februar 1984. In 2002 importiert aus England nach Ibiza durch Bob Kirk. In 2006 umgebaut zum Linkslenker, Hydraulik clutch und verschiedene Restaurierungen, alles ausgeführt durch einen ex Mechaniker von Auto Becker aus Düsseldorf. In 2010 durch mich importiert in der Niederlande. In den letzten 2 Jahren schon wieder verschiedene Verbesserungen durch mich angebracht. U.a. Vergaser, Clutch pedal Aufhängung, neue Haupt-Scheinwerfern, teilweise neue Brennstoffleitungen und einen neuen Brems-Hauptzylinder. Das alles macht das Fahren mit dem Kallista zum großen Vergnügen.
Jef van de Nes

Terry's Kallista Terry's Kallista Terry's Kallista Terry's Kallista

Kallistas at the GG 2012:

Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012
Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012 Kallista at the GG 2012

Drop Wing 2.8i:

Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012
Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012
Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012 Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012
Kallista Drop Wing 2.8i  at the GG 2012      




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